In the text below, we refer to Current Clients, Prospective Clients, Business Professionals and Colleagues collectively as “Clients.”
We are proud members of Generation X and we are still not big fans of cellular communications. We concede that cellphones are here to stay while pointing out the simple fact that cellular communication remains unreliable and imperfect. Accordingly, if you must communicate with TCLG via cellphone and/or mobile device, all Clients assume the risk of misunderstandings stemming from poor cellular reception. While using a cellphone allows individuals to freely multi-task, we ask that you do not so engage during discussions with TCLG. We give our Clients undivided attention and we expect the same from you.
If any cellular calls drop, we will not make an effort to call back or reconnect the call. With respect to legal Clients who have active matters, all time devoted to navigating the ineptness of cellphone communications will be billed to the Client at our standard rates. To ensure the confidential nature of our communications, we do not engage in conversations on speakerphones and we will simply end such communications.
Bottom line: When speaking with TCLG, the subject matter is necessarily important and, in some cases, life altering. Accordingly, we ask all Clients to demonstrate the wisdom to eliminate distractions, take every possible step to place calls from locations which sustain high quality reception and otherwise employ common sense when speaking with members of our firm via your preferred device.
Finally, the laws regarding the act of recording conversations are relatively unknown in an era where cellphones make recording effortless. Please be advised, it is illegal to record private conversations unless all parties consent to the recording. A violation of the two-party consent provisions of the California Penal Code is a criminal misdemeanor and may also give rise to a civil lawsuit. Click here.